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Check out the whole Chat series.ĭon't Miss: How to Post a List as Your Status Update on Facebook Or for a few bucks more, Visible+ gives you 5G Ultra Wideband, an even more premium network experience and global reach. This article was produced during Gadget Hacks' special coverage on texting, instant messaging, calling, and audio/video chatting with your smartphone. Two plans, unlimited or unlimited and then some. Facebook states, "If you turn off Active Status in one place, you'll still appear active or recently active anywhere else you're using Facebook or Messenger unless you also turn off the setting in those places." What that means is that if you use Facebook or Messenger on other devices, you need to disable it there too or when you use those devices you're Active Status will be, well, active. Next, tap the slider next to "Show when you're active," then select "Turn Off" on the pop-up, and your Active Status will be disabled. Then, tap "Active Status" under the Profile settings. To hide your activity status, tap your profile icon in the top left to open the Settings menu. Follow these steps to See Hidden Photos of Someone on When a person is online and actively.
Turn Off Your Active Status on Android or iOS How to check your Facebook messages without Messenger.

The popular app lets all your Facebook friends know when you're online by default, as well as how long you've been idle, making it impossible to check up with one person without leaving yourself vulnerable to your entire friends list. For all of its advantages, Facebook Messenger isn't the best for people who like their privacy.